Sustainable Development Policy

Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development processes and strategies

GMI's corporate social responsibility and sustainable development promote the integration of the concept of sustainability into the operation of the company's various mechanisms, and promote key issues in line with the world's sustainability trends. We examine the overall environment and the expectations of stakeholders, and integrate corporate operations and development Goal, planning the company's corporate social responsibility strategy, hoping to deepen the integration of the organization and the value chain, improve ESG performance, and gradually complete the goals of strengthening governance, developing innovation, and establishing models.

Policies and norms related to responsible business conduct

GMI adheres to responsible business practices. In order to implement a corporate culture of integrity and meet the expectations of investors and other stakeholders, the board of directors adopts and promulgates regulations related to ethics and integrity, detailing the company's policies, norms, operating procedures, conduct guidelines and related complaint systems, etc. , requiring employees and business partners to abide by standards when performing business to prevent dishonest behavior, hoping to shape the company's culture of integrity and responsibility, and to embody the commitment to the highest ethical standards in all business activities.

In addition, GMI complies with the Company Law, the Securities and Exchange Law, the Commercial Accounting Law, the Political Contribution Law, the Corruption Crime Regulations, the Government Procurement Law, the Public Officials’ Conflict of Interest Avoidance Law, listing and over-the-counter regulations, or other laws and regulations related to commercial activities, as a Implement the basic premise of honest management, and continue to track changes in domestic and foreign regulations to assess the potential risks and impacts they may have on the company, and review whether there are corresponding internal regulations within the company based on the results of regulatory identification to ensure that the company's policies and regulations are appropriate and appropriate , the relevant policy commitment links have been posted on the company's website/Corporate Governance Zone/Important Organizational Regulations.

Incorporate policy commitments

GMI has set up a sustainable development committee in 2022, and established five promotion groups in 2024, which are mainly responsible for formulating and implementing various ESG project policies. The board of directors authorizes the general manager to serve as the convener of the committee. The convener of the group is appointed by the company's internal department. The top managers of the corresponding departments are concurrently appointed. Currently, the five major promotion groups are: Corporate Governance Group, Risk Management Group, Social Care Group, Supply Chain Management Group, and Sustainable Environment Group. The Sustainability Development Committee meets at least once a year. Regular meetings are held to formulate annual sustainable development policies and commitment policies related to responsible business conduct, and review the implementation of various sustainable development issues.

GMI complies with the laws and regulations of corporate governance and honest management, environmental protection and labor human rights of the competent authorities. In order to ensure the accuracy and completeness of legal compliance, Hongyi International regularly educates and promotes the concept of honest management to all employees. Daily business execution. In addition, the board of directors cycle is also regularly used to publicize the contents of the "Code of Integrity Business" and the "Code of Ethical Conduct" to the board of directors and management four times a year to let them understand the importance.

In order to ensure that employees of GMI understand and implement the company's policy commitments, honest management and professional ethics, the company requires employees to complete 1 hour every year; regularly participate in education and training courses every year, and from time to time through the company's internal website and the company's internal e-mail Propaganda is carried out through emails and other means to enhance colleagues’ awareness of professional ethics and compliance with regulations.

In 2023, the company conducted education and training on integrity management and professional ethics for all employees at the Taiwan headquarters. A total of 53 people participated, with a training completion rate of 62% and a total of 53 hours of training.

Sustainable Development