Announcement of the material Company information released at the press conference.

Major Information - 2024/09/05

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/09/05
2.Company name:GMI Technology Inc
3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ”head office” or
”subsidiaries”):head office
4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:N/A
5.Cause of occurrence:
The Company will hold a press conference on September 5, 2024,
at 5:30 p.m. at the Taiwan Stock Exchange to announce important
matters. The press release is as follows:
The Board of Directors of GMI Technology Inc. (Stock Code: 3312)
today (September 5, 2024) approved by resolution to lease assets
to a related party.
The amounts of the contracts signed by the Company and GMI
Computing International Ltd. on 52 units and 127 units of cloud
computing are US$23,402,250(untaxed) and US$66,340,470(untaxed),
respectively. According to IFRS16, the contract terms are deemed
to be financial leases, and the assets should be derecognized.
According to the Company's Procedures for Asset Acquisition and
Disposal, if a transaction amount reaches 10% or more of the
Company's total assets, the transaction will be made after a
resolution is adopted by an extraordinary shareholders' meeting.
The relevant details are as follows:
1.When the Company acquires or disposes of an asset from or to a
related party, in addition to following Articles 7, 8, and 10 of
the procedures, relevant resolution procedures and evaluation of
the reasonableness of transaction terms should be conducted as
required. When a transaction amount reaches 10% or more of the
Company's total assets, the Company should also obtain an
appraisal report issued by a professional appraiser or a
certified public accountant's opinion in accordance with Articles
7, 8, and 10 of the procedures. The total amount of leasing out
H100 in this case is US$23,402,250(untaxed). Wau Yuan Property
Appraisal Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ”Wau Yuan”) was
appointed to appraise the amount in accordance with the
regulations and a report was obtained therefrom. The total
amount of leasing out H200 in this case was US$66,340,470(untaxed).
Two professional appraisers, Wau Yuan and China Credit Information
Service Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ”China Credit”), were
appointed to appraise the amount in accordance with the regulations
and a report was obtained therefrom, respectively.
2.The purpose and necessity of asset acquisition or disposal: At
present, the international market is very interested in investing
in AI computing centers, and the era of the AI computing power
leasing economy is coming. With the increase in AI applications,
the demand for computing power has surged, so the Company has
decided to purchase AI servers and establish a computing power
leasing center. We have appointed GMI Computing, the first cloud
company in Taiwan that has been qualified for NVIDIA Cloud Partners
(NCP), to be responsible for the main technologies and personnel
operations required.
3.Reasons for selecting a related party as the transaction
counterparty: GMI Computing has the largest GPU allocated thereto
in the Asia-Pacific region, a vertically integrated one-stop AI
cloud platform, well-established industry-specific customization
abilities, strong supply chain advantages, and a top AI team that
offers a wide range of customer services.
The details are hereby provided as above.
7.Any other matters that need to be specified (the information disclosure
also meets the requirements of Article 7, subparagraph 9 of the Securities
and Exchange Act Enforcement Rules, which brings forth a significant impact
on shareholders rights or the price of the securities on public companies.):

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