Updated Notice of the Board of Directors' Resolution on Procurement of GPU Servers.
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/09/05 2.Date of the original announcement and reporting:2024/07/09 3.Summary of the content originally announced and reported: The procurement and construction cost total untaxed amount. 4.Reasons for the change and its main content: Due to server price adjustments and the upgrade of purchased models, the Board of Directors has approved by resolution a total expenditure of approximately USD 49,340,620 (before tax) for the purchase and construction costs. 5.Effect on the Company's finance and business after the change:none. 6.Any other matters that need to be specified:none.
Board of Directors Approved the Convening of 2024 1st Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting and relevant matters
1.Date of the board of directors' resolution:2024/09/05 2.Special shareholders meeting date:2024/10/24 3.Special shareholders meeting location: No. 399, Ruiguang Road, Neihu District, Taipei City(meeting room on the east side of the 1st floor of the Liberty Square Convention Center) 4.Special shareholders' meeting will be held by means of (physical shareholders' meeting/ hybrid shareholders' meeting / virtual-only shareholders' meeting):physical shareholders' meeting 5.Cause for convening the meeting (1)Reported matters:None. 6.Cause for convening the meeting (2)Acknowledged matters:None. 7.Cause for convening the meeting (3)Matters for Discussion: (1)Proposed amendments to certain provisions of the Company's Articles of Incorporation. (2)Discussion of the Company's leasing of assets to related parties. 8.Cause for convening the meeting (4)Election matters:None. 9.Cause for convening the meeting (5)Other Proposals:None. 10.Cause for convening the meeting (6)Extemporary Motions:None. 11.Book closure starting date:2024/09/25 12.Book closure ending date:2024/10/24 13.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.
Announcement of the material Company information released at the press conference.
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/09/05 2.Company name:GMI Technology Inc 3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ”head office” or ”subsidiaries”):head office 4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:N/A 5.Cause of occurrence: The Company will hold a press conference on September 5, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. at the Taiwan Stock Exchange to announce important matters. The press release is as follows: The Board of Directors of GMI Technology Inc. (Stock Code: 3312) today (September 5, 2024) approved by resolution to lease assets to a related party. The amounts of the contracts signed by the Company and GMI Computing International Ltd. on 52 units and 127 units of cloud computing are US$23,402,250(untaxed) and US$66,340,470(untaxed), respectively. According to IFRS16, the contract terms are deemed to be financial leases, and the assets should be derecognized. According to the Company's Procedures for Asset Acquisition and Disposal, if a transaction amount reaches 10% or more of the Company's total assets, the transaction will be made after a resolution is adopted by an extraordinary shareholders' meeting. The relevant details are as follows: 1.When the Company acquires or disposes of an asset from or to a related party, in addition to following Articles 7, 8, and 10 of the procedures, relevant resolution…
Announcement of the information on an institutional investor conference to be convened by the Company
1.Date of institutional investor conference:2024/09/11 2.Time of institutional investor conference:14:30 3.Location of institutional investor conference: Zoom meeting ID:97281383219 (If you intend to participate in the conference, please contact Mr. Kuo at 02-26599838 ext.1910) 4.Outline of institutional investor conference: The Company will hold an online investor conference in the second quarter of 2024, please install Zoom Meetings before the conference begins. Zoom for desktops: http://www.zoomnow.net Zoom for mobile phones: iOS-APP Store/Android-Google Play 5.Any other matters that need to be specified: Please be sure to enter the meeting ID to join the conference before 14:20 on September 11, 2024 (Wednesday).
GMI Technology, announces JUL 2024 consolidated sales of NT$1.571 billion, a 10.78% increase over previous month's NT$1.418 billion and a 22.42% increase over previous year's NT$1.283 billion.
Announcement of the ex-dividend record date and the cash dividend payout date as approved by the resolution of the Company's board of directors
1.Date of the resolution by the board of directors or shareholders meeting or decision by the Company:2024/08/08 2.Type of ex-rights or ex-dividend (please enter: “Ex-rights”, ”Ex-dividend”, or ”Ex-rights and dividend”):Ex-dividend 3.Type and monetary amount of common stock dividend distribution: The cash dividend distributed to shareholders totaled NT$195,150,546 at NT$1.2 per share. 4.Ex-rights (ex-dividend) trading date:2024/09/05 5.Last date before book closure:2024/09/07 6.Book closure starting date:2024/09/08 7.Book closure ending date:2024/09/12 8.Ex-rights (ex-dividend) record date:2024/09/12 9.Deadline for applying the conversion of the bond:N/A 10.The closure period for the conversion of the bond will start from the date:N/A 11.The closure period for the conversion of the bond will end on the date:N/A 12.Payment date of common stock cash dividend distribution:2024/10/03 13.Any other matters that need to be specified:None
Announcement of the consolidated financial statements for Q2 2024 approved by the Company's Board of Directors
1.Date of submission to the board of directors or approval by the board of directors:2024/08/08 2.Date of approval by the audit committee:2024/08/08 3.Start and end dates of financial reports or annual self-assessed financial information of the reporting period (XXXX/XX/XX~XXXX/XX/XX): 2024/01/01~2024/06/30 4.Operating revenue accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):8,574,740 5.Gross profit (loss) from operations accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):468,407 6.Net operating income (loss) accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):191,094 7.Profit (loss) before tax accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):259,917 8.Profit (loss) accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):203,846 9.Profit (loss) during the period attributable to owners of parent accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):214,256 10.Basic earnings (loss) per share accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (NTD):1.32 11.Total assets end of the period (thousand NTD):8,749,241 12.Total liabilities end of the period (thousand NTD):5,840,634 13.Equity attributable to owners of parent end of the period (thousand NTD):2,856,052 14.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.
Announcement for the Board of Directors meeting date of 2024Q2 financial reports
1.Date of a notice of the board of directors meeting is issued:2024/07/31 2.Expected date of the board of directors meeting is convened:2024/08/08 3.Expected year and quarter of the financial reports or the annual self-assessed financial information submitted to the board of directors or approved by the board of directors:2024Q2 4.Any other matters that need to be specified:None
Notice of the Board of Directors' Resolution on Procurement of GPU Servers.
1.Date of the resolution of the board of directors or shareholders meeting:2024/07/09 2.Content of the investment plan:Procurement of GPU Servers. 3.Projected monetary amount of the investment: The procurement and construction cost total untaxed amount about USD 49,352,050. 4.Projected date of the investment:It will be announced after confirmation. 5.Source of capital funds:Working capital and loan. 6.Specific purpose: This resolution is in line with the Company's strategic initiative to diversify our operations and expand our business scope. 7.Any other matters that need to be specified:none.
GMI Technology, announces JUN 2024 consolidated sales of NT$1.418 billion, a 8.72% decrease over previous month's NT$1.554 billion and a 11.27% increase over previous year's NT$1.275 billion.
Because the Company's securities reached the threshold for publication set by TWSE, Company discloses relevant financial information for investors' reference
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/07/03 2.Cause of occurrence:Request by TWSE to announce. 3.Financial and business information: 4.Any matters regarding to ”Taiwan stock exchange corporation procedure for verification and disclosure of material information of companies with listed securities” article 4 that need to be specified:None. 5.Any matters regarding to ”Taiwan stock exchange corporation procedure for verification and disclosure of material information of companies with listed securities” article 11 that need to be specified:None. 6.Please inquiry the items of financial Information on the website of MOPS, and the paths as follow: (1)Current sales revenue/income(loss): Summaries>Financial Information applicable after adopting IFRSs (2)Historic sales revenue per month: Operating Statements>Monthly Sales Revenue> Statement of Sales Revenue(after adopting IFRSs) (3)Historic income or loss(audited/reviewed by the CPA): Financial Statements> FINANCIAL STATEMENT after adopting IFRSs>Balance Sheet/Income Statement (4)Historic income or loss (self-assessed): Operating Statements>Self-assessed income or loss:None. 7.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.
Announcement of an election of one additional independent director at the Company's 2024 general share- holders’meeting; 1/3 of the board members were changed.
1.Date of occurrence of the change:2024/06/26 2.Elected or changed position (Please enter institutional director, institutional supervisor, independent director, natural-person director or natural-person supervisor):independent director 3.Title and name of the previous position holder:N/A 4.Resume of the previous position holder:N/A 5.Title and name of the new position holder:Chou, Chung-Chie 6.Resume of the new position holder: Independent director of YULON MOTOR CO.,LTD 7.Circumstances of change (Please enter “resignation”, “dismissal”, “term expired”, “death” or “new appointment”):new appointment 8.Reason for the change: The proposal for a by-election of one independent director. 9.Number of shares held by the new position holder when elected:0 10.Original term (from __________ to __________):2022/06/23-2025/06/22 11.Effective date of the new appointment:2024/06/26 12.Turnover rate of directors of the same term:4/9 13.Turnover rate of independent directors of the same term:3/4 14.Turnover rate of supervisors of the same term:N/A 15.Change in one-third or more of directors (Please enter “Yes” or “No”):Yes 16.Any other matters that need to be specified (the information disclosure also meets the requirements of Article 7, subparagraph 6 of the Securities and Exchange Act Enforcement Rules, which brings forth a significant impact on shareholders rights or the price of the securities on public companies.): none
Announcement of the resignation of a member of the Audit Committee.
1.Date of occurrence of the change:2024/06/26 2.Name of the functional committees:Audit Committee 3.Name of the previous position holder:N/A 4.Resume of the previous position holder:N/A 5.Name of the new position holder:Chou, Chung-Chie 6.Resume of the new position holder: Independent director of YULON MOTOR CO.,LTD 7.Circumstances of change (Please enter “resignation”, “dismissal”, “term expired”, “death” or “new appointment”):new appointment 8.Reason for the change: The proposal for a by-election of one independent director. 9.Original term (from __________ to __________):2022/06/23~2025/06/22 10.Effective date of the new member:2024/06/26 11.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.
Announcement of the resolution adopted by the Company's 2024 general shareholders’ meeting to remove the non-compete clause for the Company's directors.
1.Date of the shareholders meeting resolution:2024/06/26 2.Name and title of the director with permission to engage in competitive conduct: Independent Director: Chou, Chung-Chie 3.Items of competitive conduct in which the director is permitted to engage: (1)Independent Director,YULON MOTOR CO.,LTD (2)Independent Director,Yulon Finance Corporation (3)Independent Director,Standard Foods Corporation 4.Period of permission to engage in the competitive conduct: When said entities are serving as the directors of the Company. 5.Circumstances of the resolution (please describe the results of voting in accordance with Article 209 of the Company Act): Passed by means of voting by the shareholders' meeting 6.If the permitted competitive conduct belongs to the operator of a mainland China area enterprise, the name and title of the directors (if it is not the operator of a Mainland-area enterprise, please enter “N/A” below):N/A. 7.Company name of the mainland China area enterprise and the director's position in the enterprise:N/A. 8.Address of the mainland China area enterprise:N/A. 9.Operations of the mainland China area enterprise:N/A. 10.Impact on the company's finance and business:N/A. 11.If the directors have invested in the mainland China area enterprise, the monetary amount of the investment and their shareholding ratio:N/A. 12.Any other matters that need to be specified:None
Announcement of important resolutions adopted by and voting results at the Company's 2024 general shareholders’meeting
1.Date of the shareholders meeting:2024/06/26 2.Important resolutions (1)Profit distribution/ deficit compensation: Passed the ratification of the Company's 2023 earnings distribution proposal. Voting results Vote for:65,030,875 Number of votes;91.91%of valid voting rights Vote against:38,678 Number of votes;0.05%of valid voting rights Invalid vote:0 Number of votes;0%of valid voting rights Abstention/Uncast vote:5,682,808 Number of votes; 8.03%of valid voting rights 3.Important resolutions (2)Amendments to the corporate charter:None 4.Important resolutions (3)Business report and financial statements: Passed the ratificationof the Company's 2023 financial statements. Voting results Vote for:64,991,238 Number of votes;91.85%of valid voting rights Vote against:36,445 Number of votes;0.05%of valid voting rights Invalid vote:0 Number of votes;0%of valid voting rights Abstention/Uncast vote:5,724,678 Number of votes; 8.09%of valid voting rights 5.Important resolutions (4)Elections for board of directors and supervisors: The proposal for a by-election of one independent director. List of directors elected: Independent Director: Chou, Chung-Chie Number of votes won:63,338,280 Term of office: From June 26, 2024 to June 22,2025 6.Important resolutions (5)Any other proposals:None Passed the removal of the non-compete clause for the Company's directors. Voting results Vote for:64,945,820 Number of votes;91.79%of valid voting rights Vote against:103,182 Number of votes;0.14%of valid voting rights Invalid vote:0 Number of votes;0%of valid voting rights Abstention/Uncast vote:5,703,359 Number of votes;…
GMI Technology, announces MAY 2024 consolidated sales of NT$1.554 billion, a 1.12% decrease over previous month's NT$1.572 billion and a 19.46% increase over previous year's NT$1.301 billion.
Because the Company's securities reached the threshold for publication set by TWSE, Company discloses relevant financial information for investors' reference
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/05/29 2.Cause of occurrence:Request by TWSE to announce. 3.Financial and business information: Period Recent Month Recent Quarter Most Recent Four Quarters Accum. APR.2024 YOY% 2024Q1 YOY% 2023Q2~2024Q1 Account (IFRS- (IFRS- (IFRS- consolidated consolidated consolidated unreviewed) Audited) Audited) ========== ======= ========== ========= ========== ============ Operating 1,572 34.94% 4,031 21.42% 15,987 Revenue (million) Net profit 63 162.50% 114 48.05% 430 before tax (million) Net profit 51 200.00% 94 51.61% 354 (million) EPS 0.31 181.82% 0.58 52.63% 2.18 (NT$) 4.Any matters regarding to ”Taiwan stock exchange corporation procedure for verification and disclosure of material information of companies with listed securities” article 4 that need to be specified:None. 5.Any matters regarding to ”Taiwan stock exchange corporation procedure for verification and disclosure of material information of companies with listed securities” article 11 that need to be specified:None. 6.Please inquiry the items of financial Information on the website of MOPS, and the paths as follow: (1)Current sales revenue/income(loss): Summaries>Financial Information applicable after adopting IFRSs (2)Historic sales revenue per month: Operating Statements>Monthly Sales Revenue> Statement of Sales Revenue(after adopting IFRSs) (3)Historic income or loss(audited/reviewed by the CPA): Financial Statements> FINANCIAL STATEMENT after adopting IFRSs>Balance Sheet/Income Statement (4)Historic income or loss (self-assessed): Operating…
Announcement of the Collection Bank and Storage Account Bank for the First Unsecured Convertible Corporate Bonds Issued Domestically
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/05/24 2.Company name:GMI Technology Inc 3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ”head office” or ”subsidiaries”):head office 4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:N/A 5.Cause of occurrence:In accordance with Article 9, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2 of the ”Guidelines for the Issuance and Offering of Securities by Issuers,”this announcement pertains to the domestic issuance of the company's first unsecured convertible corporate bonds and related matters. 6.Countermeasures:None. 7.Any other matters that need to be specified (the information disclosure also meets the requirements of Article 7, subparagraph 9 of the Securities and Exchange Act Enforcement Rules, which brings forth a significant impact on shareholders rights or the price of the securities on public companies.): (1) Contract Date:2024/05/24 (2) Name of the Collection Agency:KGI Commercial Bank/Minsheng Branch (3) Entrusted Storage Account Bank:Taiwan Cooperative Bank/Dong Taipei Branch
Correction of the XBRL filing information of the company's 2024Q1 consolidated financial report
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/05/16 2.Company name:G.M.I Technology Inc. 3.Relationship with the Company (please enter ”the company itself” or ”subsidiaries”):the company itself 4.Reciprocal shareholding percentage:#N/A 5.Cause of occurrence:Corrected the disaggregation of independent accountants' review report 6.Information items/ statements to be corrected:Type of independent accountants' review report opinion 7.Amounts/ contents/ number of page to be corrected: Insignificant subsidiaries or investments using the equity method have not been audited or reviewed by independent accountants. 8.Amounts/ contents/ number of page after correction: Insignificant subsidiaries or investments using the equity method have not been audited or reviewed by independent accountants.、Other 9.Countermeasures:Corrected the iXBRL filed 10.Any other matters that need to be specified:none.
GMI Technology, announces APR 2024 consolidated sales of NT$1.572 billion, a 14.01% increase over previous month's NT$1.379 billion and a 34.86% increase over previous year's NT$1.165 billion.